The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74572   Message #1305785
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
24-Oct-04 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is George Bush Insane?
Subject: RE: BS: Is George Bush Insane?
We do know this. He considers it a sign of weakness to suggest that he is imperfect. He has this irritating manner of smirking and making light of serious issues. He is constantly looking for the approval of his audience.
He seems to espouse an evangelical view of religion that supports his actions which are for the most part not well thought out. He states positions that are not supportable by his record. He dwells on fear as a tactic to raise his approval rating. (various alerts, etc.) He can't seem to tolerate criticism and this is why he has so few press conferences. He is not able to allow anyone to disagree with him. He makes all kinds of Freudian slips in his speeches about the Volunteer Army and being a dictator. Some make fun of these gaffes. He has betrayed the American people by entering into a war under false pretenses. He claims to have a pipeline to God. He has a world view that is out of step with the principles of American Democracy. He makes promises that can't be kept such as destroying all "terrorists" and inculcating American values of freedom and free trade through hegemonic and military means.

Judge for yourself.
