The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74728   Message #1306763
Posted By: Lepus Rex
25-Oct-04 - 01:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: What five items would you save?
Subject: RE: BS: What five items would you save?
Add me to the dead-with-cats (and dog) list. Actually, I'd probably die trying to put the fire out myself, because I'm retarded. I almost managed to do that late last year.

So, I wasn't going to cheat and include collections of things like "my record collection: or "a big box filled with all of my favourite things," but I caved and did anyways. I'd take:

1. A small end-table-y-thing in my bedroom, where I keep photos, mementos, etc. Which I'd quickly stuff with a few more loose family mementos. God, I suck.
2. Oh, this is really pitiful: The ashes of two of my old cats that've died. What, like they're going to get more cremated? That's just stupid, but probably true.
3. A fistful of my favourite Jew's harps.
4. My fujara. 'Cause that fucker would burn for sure.
5. Tunafish and Clown Doll, the teddy bear and, uh, clown doll I got when I was born.

---Lepus Rex