The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74173   Message #1306961
Posted By: TS
25-Oct-04 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canadian Submarines
Subject: RE: BS: Canadian Submarines
well folks..its happened again..another POlitician using LT(N) Saunders as a political stab...I think its about cooth, respect...and this time it was an article written by non-other then MY PM!...Sad thing is..I voted for him..I respect him..I give his party money every month! for me to be the bad guy..really..can Politicians not find something better to bicker about? If Chris hadn't died no one would have batted an would have been "Canadian Military this...Canadian Navy that...Liberals blahblahblah.."..but now..the first words out are .."blame the liberals...oh...and..yeah..sorry about your loss Gwen"....grrrr....well thats my rant for the day...Slainte!