The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74584   Message #1307200
Posted By: GUEST,Art Thieme
25-Oct-04 - 10:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Utah Phillips is going to vote!
Subject: RE: BS: Utah Phillips is going to vote!
My intent was to state---once again--my feelings that Nader being in the race could cause the same thing again that happened in 2000. It was not a personal attack on anyone---but it was stated way over the top in order to get their attention. Those who cannot see that their actions will cause more harm than good simply cannot see reality as I'm seeing it at all. My too strong verbage was, again, to get the mule's attention--and possibly change the animals mind this once--at least. ------- I heard Ralph Nader speak today. I agree with him on every position he takes. BUT he and those he leads cannot see that this is the wrong moment to stand for those ideals.

To those of you who see my polemic/diatribe as a personal insult, I must say that I am very sorry for that. It was aimed at the situation and not at individuals whose stands, idealistically if not practically, I agree with. In another week all rhetorical spewing here will be moot points. Then we can roll over, share a cigarette, get dressed and move on.

After watching the political machinations of the last four years, I feel obligated to be emphatic now. It seems that important to me. Lately, I tend to be too much a people pleaser. That must come from being on stage for a living of sorts and wanting approval from my audience. It seems my words have distressed some of my old friends. Well, O.K. then. I guess I'm the one who must live with clay feet.

Art Thieme