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Thread #74781   Message #1307512
Posted By: GUEST
26-Oct-04 - 09:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry concedes California
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry concedes California
Why on earth would ANYONE be surprised that the liberal media establishment is endorsing Kerry? It would only be news if they hadn't.

DougR is right, Kerry will take California, that state isn't even in play.

I think it is depressing to see that the New Yorker has gotten sucked into the media echo chamber syndrome. I believe Dubya is every bit as bad as Reagan was, and we never saw this level of hysteria over Reagan. I find it utterly bizarre and over the top. I also believe that once the liberal establishment sobers up come November 15th or so, they are going to regret having gone overboard on so much of all this. Especially if Kerry loses.

Remember everybody, the polls being hawked now are all "likely voters" which don't tell you jack shit about who is ahead or behind. Realistically, it is a tie according to the polls, but we will have a winner next Wednesday. Thing is, no one knows which goose will be cooked. Without an October Surprise, and the Bush camp took a couple of very tough hits this week: serious signs the economy is tanking again, the price of gasshooting up over $2.00/gal, continued low level panic over flu shots, the Iraq weapons cache story, and the massacre of the Iraqi soldiers. If Kerry can't beat Bush after a week of headlines like that one week before the election, he truly deserves to lose.