The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14800   Message #130796
Posted By: GeorgeH
02-Nov-99 - 05:25 AM
Thread Name: About Irish Rebel Songs
Subject: RE: About Irish Rebel Songs
Well I seem to have reduced this debate to the usual absurdity of the US IRA supporters club rantings (despite some further intelegent contributions). Nice to have you out of the woodwork, guys!

Yes, there are SOME fine rebel songs . . but then again I didn't suggest otherwise. And, Frank Howe, if you continue to sing those songs in with hundreds of others, as you say you learnt them, then I've no problem - and suggest you re-read what I originally wrote.

Whereas Brendy, I fear, is simply spouting out of the wrong orifice.

And InOBU - you don't live in Ireland (North or South) do you? But the Nato suggestion is a good (if rather sick) joke.
