The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74246   Message #1308043
Posted By: Ebbie
26-Oct-04 - 06:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: What WAS That Lump on Bush Back?
Subject: RE: BS: What WAS That Lump on Bush Back?
(As various ones above have said, I don't know WHAT the lump was but I do know it was SOMETHING. And to repeat: I saw it in the SECOND debate, not the first one. I didn't even know there was any conjecturing going on, until after. As for the third debate, I didn't see that one- I was riding around in an airport shuttle listening to the debate on our way to the blessed Getaway jump off hotel.

Body armor makes the most sense. On the other hand, the man has been campaigning in shirt sleeves, in places where security is not nearly as tight as in the debate halls.)

Here is the latest bushspin:

"I don't know what that is," Bush said. "I mean, it is — I'm embarrassed to say it's a poorly tailored shirt." (Twice? Square?People reported it in both of the first two debates. Eb)

Bush said there was no sound system or electrical signal.

"I guess the assumption was that if I were straying off course they would ... kind of like a hunting dog, they would punch a buzzer and I would jerk back into place," Bush said. "That's just absurd."

"The Bush campaign laughed off the speculation when it first blossomed on the Internet and then cropped up in news stories.

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