The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14846   Message #130806
Posted By: Margaret Watchorn
02-Nov-99 - 07:15 AM
Thread Name: Northumbrian Fishing Songs
My father reminds me that his father's version of Dance to thee daddy contained the verse 'I like a drop of stout I'll drink the Bank Top dry And you ma bonny lad Will like it just as I.' The Bank Top was a working men's club in Newbiggin, and I suspect these are bowdlerised words to suit his taste!

As to Bill's question, yes I certainly know Heather and John Cairns (Heather is now our district councillor!)

Did you konw there are occasional live music sessions in the Ship in the Square? Usually more playing than singing, with smallpipes, fiddle, banjo, mandolin, moothie and melodeon. Next one is this Friday November 5th, just beofre the annual Northumbrian Gathering for traditional music in Alnwick.