The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41213   Message #1308440
27-Oct-04 - 05:16 AM
Thread Name: Outdated Messages - What's On!
Subject: RE: What's On! (Who is Performing Where)
Ooooh Dear, PEL Alert. Sevenoaks Licencing Authority has invited the publicans and tenants within its region to a "seminar" on the implications of the PEL.

"ELSIE`S" at Cowden Pound near Edenbridge, Kent

Sat. Nov.13th - Roger Sutcliffe
                Songs and Blues with Dobro and Uke

Sat. Nov.27th - MOOR MUSIC. Music, Songs and Step Dancing from Devon
                            Do not expect to get any sleep!

Sat. Dec.18th - ELSIE`S BAND and the Cowden Mummers, for the
                umpteenth time, will be performing the annual
                St.George story and presenting the Christmas
                Jollity night. Iris will be leading us in a
                rendition of "Jolene" and "Adeste Fidelis".
                Not to be missed.

Sat.Jan. 15th, 2005 - LES ONIONS. A terrific start to "ELSIE`S"
                      for the New Year. Come and be
                      entertained with music and mirth from
                      Dave, John and Vincent (Ex Bonzo Dog D.B.)