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Thread #74839   Message #1308812
Posted By: frogprince
27-Oct-04 - 01:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Evangelical and Bushite not synonymous
Subject: RE: BS: Evangelical and Bushite not synonymous
Thanks, Guest,(First guest if not the same) for also noting that "evangelical"and "fundamentalist" aren't synonymous, and to Amos for at least grudgingly admitting the distinction; the media seems to have totally lost the distinction. I wish I didn't feel that I have to admit that Christian "fundamentalists" are really a (unfortunately large) sub-group of "evangelicals", save for a limited number of really "culty"
skwerells who have little in common with anyone outside their insular group except a nominal belief in an infallible, inerrant Bible.
I personally grew up as a fundamentalist, never quite so indoctrinated that I wasn't eventually able to let go of it. I migrated as far as "evangelical" for some years, & now have a little trouble saying what you should call me. I still believe that there is a lot of "good news" for the world in Christianity; but I don't think Amos, or any our Wikkan or Pagan 'catters, are facing a grim eternity unless they earn it the old fashioned way, by being rotten.