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Thread #69778   Message #1308996
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
27-Oct-04 - 05:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
Inasmuch as the Allawi interim Iraqi government is really a mask for the Bush Administration, arguments for a withdrawal seem specious.

The Iraqi people are making their wishes known, however. They don't want Americans there and the Insurgency has escalated in numbers.
In short, the Insurgency is the Iraqi people just as the Vietcong were the Vietnam people. Iraqis will never submit to a US sponsored interim government because they believe correctly that it is an occupation and that the American troops are the oppressors.

The only way out of the quagmire is to honestly involve the world community, the UN and renounce a go-it-alone policy. Otherwise, the Iraq War will never be won. Also, get the Bush appointed contractors out of there. There is a way that the Muslim world can be treated with dignity by a "nuanced", "sensitive" and strong presidential leadership
that will make our country secure. America can't win a war by becoming like Al Quaeda but we can learn by listening to the needs of those who seek to destroy us and this understanding will be the best security that we can have. The answer involves understanding why the Madrasa has become the vehicle for education and offer a legitimate alternative. We don't have to compromise with violence but we do have to understand why it is there. Bush is apparently incapable of doing this.
