The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69778   Message #1309039
Posted By: Bobert
27-Oct-04 - 06:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
Well, how friggin' tidy. Falluga is going to be attacked the day before the election. I hope the NASCAR/Budwieser/Country Music crowd gets some big ol' jollies over though I don't think it will make any of fthem more likely to vote (fir Bush, of course...) then without the fireworks but, hey, they will certainly enjoy the show...

Problem is that in attacking Falluga the US will be further entrenced in the Iraq quagmire, not less. Killin' civilians, even those who have picked up arms to defend themselves agsainst the US, will only produce more insurgents. Has history taught mankind nothin' at at all?

So if this is Bush'd "new and Improved" strategy it is sadly a very narrow minded strategy...

But, hey, narrow mindedness is what the Bush regime is all about... And they appeal to other folks who have narrow minds...

Can you sing "Dum-dee-dumbed-down"?
