The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71982   Message #1309141
Posted By: Mary in Kentucky
27-Oct-04 - 08:30 PM
Thread Name: OLD Gospel tunes
Subject: RE: OLD Gospel tunes
John, I just saw your post - maybe it's not too late.

I found in searching for a long-remembered song from childhood "Sea Fever":
1) I had a few basic facts wrong. I thought it was for a tenor, but it was in a collection of baritone solos.
2) My best leads were to contact individuals involved in choral programs and ask them if they had heard of it.
3) finally had a collection of songs on a CD where I found the composer's name
4) had the music I could order once I knew the composer's name.

I've also searched for old-timey songs for my uncle, (many Carter Family songs he remembers), but I found that he often had a few words wrong.


At this site, Blue Max Loves Blue Grass, there are a few hymns in Bluegrass style.

Just a Closer Walk with Thee
When the Saints Go Marching In (it's OK to clap on the "on" beat on this one)
Amazing Grace (Bluegrass style)


In searching for a nice medley of New Born Again/ Standin' in the Need of Prayer -- I found this site -- and it has midi files and dots! It took awhile for me to find an index to the tunes though.

New Born Again -

The Site - Christian Classics Ethereal Library,

The Index to tunes -