The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74860   Message #1310034
Posted By: Lepus Rex
28-Oct-04 - 07:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: the real john kerry...
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
Dammit, Mick. Seriously, the other day, after another one of harpgirl's insane attacks against me, I was thinking, "Well, at least Mick seems to be over his paranoia thing." And then you go and open this big fucking can of worms again. Why? I was so proud of you... And I hate repeating myself.

What you're doing, once again, is stalking. Although I'm positive that you'd never dream of actually hunting our GUEST down, eating GUEST's parakeet, etc., there is an implied threat when you tell someone that you know who they are and you know where they live. That you realise this is demonstrated when you attempt to silence GUEST by releasing (what you believe to be) his/her personal information. "Because you're Irish." What was that? I friendly tip of the hat to a fellow Irish-American? Please. When will you understand that you have neither any special information about posters, nor any mystical mick-sensing intuition? How many times have you been totally fucking wrong with your accusations? And how many public apologies have you been forced to make because of these accusations? (I remember at least three of those, one delivered to me)

This GUEST isn't particularily "nasty" or disruptive. Much less so, in fact, than many other GUESTs and members, myself included. You claim that our GUEST doesn't "really care about any political cause," but only posts out of a "compulsive need to be disruptive." Quite the contrary, as far as I can tell. GUEST has eloquently expredded his/her views, in a consistent manner, for years. Even you have expressed admiration for this GUEST at times. Yet this GUEST is pretty much the only target of your attacks, even though there are plenty of more deserving targets. But in this very thread, you heaped praise upon a porn-addicted racist, a hugely disruptive, abusive, and anti-social individual, who also just happens to be anonymous. So it's not even the anonymity thing, is it? You've just got some crazy-ass Ahab complex when it comes to GUEST... Why?

You're better than this, Mick. I truly believe that. Please stop creeping me out.

---Lepus Rex