The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74909   Message #1310855
Posted By: Nerd
29-Oct-04 - 04:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Can I get me a hunting licence here?
Subject: RE: BS: Can I get me a hunting licence here?
Kerry apparently bagged a couple of geese in Ohio, enough to convince most people he is a hunter. And anyway, he IS a hunter, so photo-op or not, what's the difference?

As for the wording, if you listen to the audio (you can find it at Rush Limbaugh, among other places), it sounds like he is stumbling on the sentence, not affecting a "hick" speech pattern. Rush tries to spin it that Kerry is affecting a "hick" pattern, so you hear Kerry say:

"can I license here?" in his completely normal voice and accent.

(Then Rush says

"Did you hear that? 'Can Ah Git Me a Huntin' Lahsense heyaeh?' This is what he thinks we sound like...")

And how exactly has Kerry been hostile to hunters? Explain this bizarre claim, please.