The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74721   Message #1311580
Posted By: dianavan
30-Oct-04 - 03:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: TROLL ALERT
Interesting. Little Hawk, that you think that the terms twat, douche bag, etc. are flung around by immature boys who want to impress the other boys.

I have a different take on it: I think terms like those are used by men of any age who are, in fact, afraid to come to terms with their own sexuality. A suppressed homosexual has no other way to express it but by labelling girls and girl things as 'icky'. Doesn't it follow that if girls are 'icky' then boys are awful nice? As to this being a normal part of boy's development, I disagree. Most boys find girls quite fascinating.

Such things as 'nasal sex' are the perv's answer to his own inablilty to have a meaningful sexual relationship with either sex.
