The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14922   Message #131162
Posted By: Bruce O.
02-Nov-99 - 11:33 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: The Night Before Larry Was Stretched
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Night Before Larry Was Stretched
1780's may have been when the Irish took up composing cant songs, but the English had been doing it for a long time by then. There are several cant songs at the end of 'The Scoundrel's Dictionary', 1754, and G. A. Stevens wrote a few in the 1760's. Wm. Logan reprinted several in 'The Pedlar's Pack', and there is a book of them (which I don't have) by J. S. Farmer.

I find I have the 1st verse (only) of "The Bowman Prigg's Farewel"

To the hundreds of Drury I write,
& to all my filching companions,
To the Buttocks that pad it by night
Along with the crew of Rasklions.
I non who am rub'd the wit can rattle,
my Darbys with pleasure and laugh at the culls,
For I have still store of their treasure
Tol lol de rol---------
Rattle my Darbys with pleasure.
Toll lol de rol lol de rol.