The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74985   Message #1311722
Posted By: GUEST,skipy
30-Oct-04 - 06:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: mudcatters are up their own a**holes
Subject: BS: mudcatters are up their own a**holes
well that got your attention then!
After attending the gathering at a festival near a canal, (recently)I had to leave just one hour into the event (and i didn't get a sweet, as I was sat near the fire place!) as I was due to meet my other/better/dominant 1/2 & the kids too go to another event at the festival. Well I sat through the first 1/2 & very good it was too, the need for a cigarette overwhelmed me so I went outside and stood by the canal to have one. I was joined by "a female" (no names no pack drill) we exchanged the usual pleasantries about us being filthy smokers. She asked what I thought of the festival, I replied that I thought it was very good indeed and added that I had just enjoyed being at the Mudcat Gathering. Straight away she launhed into a tirade entitled "I think those Mudcaters are up their own & each others a**holes" She then went on to say "except present company". Which annoyed me as much as the first statement as she does not know me from Adam. I questioned her a little on the subject to be told that Catters are "eliteist" & will only help people that they know & that are within their tight circle. I wanted to shout "bollox!" I have found help at the cat on any occasion that I have sought it, I have also returned that help whenever I have been able to & would like to give a lot more. She said that she asked one question & was shot down!
Well, over to you lot, do you think we consider ourselves "eliteist"?