The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14832   Message #131261
Posted By: JedMarum
03-Nov-99 - 09:10 AM
Thread Name: A Gig From Hell
Subject: RE: A Gig From Hell
Great Story Den! Reminds me of another 'gig from hell' experience, although this gig was not a music gig.

I was in El Salvador during their war, working on a computer project for American and Taca airlines. The young El Salvadoran engineer with whom I was working was showing me around his city (San Salvador) and thought I would be impressed with the US Embassy. He was right; it was an impressive sight - a virtual fortress in the heart of downtown.

We drove around the building slowly one evening, in his fairly new small car, observing the protective design, and (visible) high tech surveillance equipment at the guard posts. While we drove my freind told me about the time the embassy took a rocket hit from terrorists drving by in a Toyota. At the first guard post I saw one US Marine, watching us. At the second post there were two. Sure enough, by the time we had circled the building to one of the main entrances there were three US Marines laying on the sidewalk and behind a concrete post with their weapons aimed at us!

My friend decided that we had better not observe so closely, and I allowed this was a good idea! We slipped away without further incident, but I had those weapons aimed at me on two other occasions during that trip. All warning me, I was in the wrong place, at the right time! It is a hint one learns to understand very quickly! Actually the 'gig' went fine; stuff worked well, and according to plan. El Salvador was a beautiful, if poor country. And I did very much enjoy my stay there, in spite of the odd warning or two. Sadly, every day I was there there was terrorist activity; bloodshed over political differences. I am happy for my Slavadoran friends that issues finally seem to be resolved. I hope I get to back one day, for a repeat gig!