The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75021   Message #1312626
Posted By: dianavan
31-Oct-04 - 09:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Thats not the way the world works ...
Subject: BS: Thats not the way the world works ...
Forgive me if this is a repeat of an earlier thread. What do you think of the remarks made by the Bush advisor to Ron Suskind?

My local, community newspaper is having a heyday with this.

Excerpts include, "Reality hems people in, limits them, takes away their hope. Reality is the enemy of freedom, and therefore an instrument of evil. This nation has not done enough by denying reality-its time to declare war on it."

or this,

"Don't misunderestimate me," said Bush, leaning into the podium, "fancy-pants degrees and foreign words like 'Kyoto' aren't going to save the realists. Bookshelves won't provide them cover. They can read, but they can't hide. We're gonna smoke 'em out."

At first I thought it was an honest editorial! I then realized it was all tongue in cheek. Phew! I am so happy to live in Canada.
