The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75025   Message #1312755
Posted By: Ebbie
01-Nov-04 - 12:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Diebold's Vote-Rigging Feature
Subject: RE: BS: Diebold's Vote-RIgging Feature
I've been reading about this but it's still incredible. What I am curious about is what rationale do they give? There must be an official for-public-consumption reason they can give. What possible legitimate> reason are they able to give for this?

A couple of months ago I read where a community - seems to ne it was in Indiana- was so proud of their new system that they invited a known hacker to see if he could corrupt the unit's integrity. It took him less than 5 minutes.

Welcome to the new world. What's next? Routinely opening and scanning our mail?

If Bush is elected on Tuesday, I propose that we take to the streets on Wednesday.