The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74898   Message #1313000
Posted By: Big Mick
01-Nov-04 - 08:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Study: 100,000 Iraqis Killed by US war
Subject: RE: BS: Study: 100,000 Iraqis Killed by US war
First off, it is the US war and the British war.

Second off, you left out the UDA, UDL, and the other terrorist loyalist organizations that have been trying to destroy the peace process.

Finally, should we also kill off the British authorities that have been providing intelligence to the various Loyalist groups?

Please understand the context that I am putting this in. I say this as an observation, and without rancor. I want folks to think about what they say. You constantly point at the US and "the good citizens of Boston". Those citizens would have nothing to fund, were it not for the actions of the British Government in support of the loyalist terror groups.

It is too damned easy to point accusing fingers. This is why we, in the States, need a thoughtful President who understands that nothing happens in a vacuum. One who works with the International Community as Bill Clinton did. And were I a citizen of Great Britain, I would cease pondering what's wrong with the US and concentrate on changing the leadership in your own country.
