The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74898   Message #1313035
Posted By: greg stephens
01-Nov-04 - 09:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Study: 100,000 Iraqis Killed by US war
Subject: RE: BS: Study: 100,000 Iraqis Killed by US war
It is said what feelings about this war has done to standards in the media and politics. An example is the readiness of the anti-war camp to accept and quote without question a survey that suggests 100,000 people ghave died since the war, the vast majority due to American bombing. have a little think. Furstly, bombing is not a very accurate way of killing people are far more likely to injure them. 1 in 5 deathrate might be a ballpark estimate. So let us guesstimate that 500,000 have benn injured be the Americans since the war(this is SINCE the war remember, we are not counting war casualties are we?).
There are about 20million people in Iraq. So we are being asked to believe that something like 1 person in 40 in the whole of Iraq have been injured or killed by American bombing. Especially since the Americans havent been operating in the majority of Iraq, this seems to me to be unbelievably unlikely. There are plenty of reasons for stsopping tnhe war/getting rid of Bush. This ludicrous claim is not one of them. I suggest people take a precise look at what is actually being claimed before parroting this ludicrous "American bombs kill 100,000 civilians" stuff. How could it possibly be true?