The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75000   Message #1313149
Posted By: Big Mick
01-Nov-04 - 11:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Pick nose, Pick butt, Pick Kerry
Subject: RE: BS: Pick nose, Pick butt, Pick Kerry
I hate to hear this, and it is why I believe that ousting Bush is job 1. While GUEST and I have serious disagreements as to the how this gets done, I understand the anger over a system that would do this to hard working, decent folks who happened to buy into the American dream. One of the faults of the land of my birth is the disgraceful way we treat our aged citizens. Another is the way we treat our teachers and educators. On both scores I am in the same camp. But our differences, and they are dramatic, have to do with the best way to effect change. It seems to me that a Quixote vote for Nader only creates more tragedies like your parents. Please understand that I am not trying to use your parents against you with that argument. I am sincere in saying it.
