The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74912   Message #1313158
Posted By: Strollin' Johnny
01-Nov-04 - 11:30 AM
Thread Name: Eileen McGann & Strollin' in Lincoln
Subject: RE: Eileen McGann & Strollin' in Lincoln
Eileen was amazing b.w., what a voice and what a fine, kind and interesting lady. Gave her your regards, she was very happy and extremely surprised (and yes, don't worry, I used your real name!). I loved her songs and her performance of them. David too is a superb musician and his voice blends perfectly with Eileen's. Only had enough dosh for one CD but I'd have liked to buy them all. Looking forward to their return, hopefully next year.

The only negative was the low turn-out, I'm amazed that a city the size of Lincoln (pop. c. 70k) could only muster thirty-or-so in the audience. Oh well, their loss!

I'm afraid my own performance was somewhat off-par, but Eileen's singing lifted me and drove out the blues! :0)

SJ :0)