The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74898   Message #1313383
Posted By: Big Mick
01-Nov-04 - 02:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Study: 100,000 Iraqis Killed by US war
Subject: RE: BS: Study: 100,000 Iraqis Killed by US war
Peter, I agree that you detail all the factions. My point is that I tire of all this finger pointing at "good folks in Boston" with no talk of the support that the IRA gets from Irish British folks and no talk of the other half of the "terrorism" in the North. I just don't believe that is going to lead folks where they ought to go. And for British folks to talk about the "US war" defies any sort of logic. This foolish President of ours could not have prosecuted the war if the British Government, led by Tony Blair, hadn't lent credibility by going along. And while listening to the BBC last night I heard a fascinating report on MI6 intel which was the basis of both sides pursuing the WMD argument.

The point, Peter, is that nothing is helped by the use of phoney predicates. Hopefully a good portion of this will be solved tomorrow here in the States. Then its up to you folks to hold the appropriate folks over there.

And I have always said that the targetting of civilians, whether in Warrington or Omagh, is senseless horseshit and deserves condemnation. And it doesn't matter if it is abetted by the "good citizens of Boston" or by the British intelligence and military community.
