The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74909   Message #1313402
Posted By: JohnInKansas
01-Nov-04 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Can I get me a hunting licence here?
Subject: RE: BS: Can I get me a hunting licence here?
The above post was not advocacy. Merely in response to a previous question about why some think Mr. Kerry is not really much of a sportsman. You can probably find the same or very similar lists at numerous places, and it doesn't matter where the list comes from since the specific items include citation of the specific actions of Mr. Kerry in Congressional records.

Semi-automatic rifles and shotguns are quite commonly used for hunting, and Kerry has voted numerous times to ban them. He has also voted to ban commonly used hunting cartridges. That's not very sensational, and doesn't require a "party line" to see. His record indicates an "unfriendly" attitude toward sportsmen - including shooters who are not primarily hunters.

The 1968 Gun Control Act was a negotiated work, that was created to answer some of the complaints of anti-gun interests. As it was written, it contained specific provisions for the collecting, use, and retention of records on individual gun purchasers. The act was specifically violated by the FBI and Treasury Departments via the keeping and use of records that, under the provisions of the law, were NOT to be retained beyond the time required for the specific uses enumerated in the law. There were also numerous documented demands by both FBI and Treasurey for records NOT required under the law. Mr. Kerry apparently favored "legitimizing" this illegal action.

"The NRA lobbies for handguns, automatic weapons, and other firearms that hunters don't use." So it's okay to trample the little guys, as long as they're not too numerous? Or as long as they're not your guys? Or as long as you don't enjoy their recreations?

Neither candidate, in my opinion - which is not too humble - shows respect for the LAW, and particularly for Constitutional history; and both candidates have demonstrated and continue to demonstrate pandering to special interests that I find dangerous and repugnant.

Hard choice. Probably comes down to which one is least likely to actually accomplish what they promise.
