The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75000   Message #1313630
Posted By: Big Mick
01-Nov-04 - 06:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pick nose, Pick butt, Pick Kerry
Subject: RE: BS: Pick nose, Pick butt, Pick Kerry
That is funny. It is true that IP's are not private, but that is not how I track you. In fact I don't track you at all. I simply watch for a thread that begins with making comments about Kerry, then you turn it into an all out attack, and end up by advocating that folks vote for Nader. For what it is worth, that is how most folks know you around here.

As to your contention of wanting you to leave, I actually don't care if you stay or leave. That choice is up to you. But I will respond to you each time you make comments I disagree with, or if you are bullying folks. I, quite frankly, don't care if you don't like it. But that is no different than many others here. Further, I would direct you to the numerous threads you have posted in that I never attacked you. Did I agree with you in each? Nope, but you weren't being the asshole you accuse me of being.

Finally, if I really wanted you to leave, why would I have reached out to you a number of times to try and make enough of a respectful peace between us so we could just debate and discuss issues as two intelligent, mature individuals? Why would I do that? I actually believe that you don't want that. If you did, you would have taken the offer. It came with no conditions, and no need to admit anyone has been wrong. These offers were honest attempts for us to share dialogue from the perspectives of a couple of savvy folks, who see many of the same problems, but have different approaches to solving them. You have rejected that, often in vile terms, out of hand each time it is offered. The offer still stands. Just agree to stop attacking when someone doesn't agree with you. I will agree to the same. Maybe we could end the cycle that has developed here.
