The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75000   Message #1313697
Posted By: GUEST,Egglet
01-Nov-04 - 08:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pick nose, Pick butt, Pick Kerry
Subject: RE: BS: Pick nose, Pick butt, Pick Kerry
Giuseppe the organ grinder:

Giuseppe the organ grinder had a monkey named Jocko.
One day they were going down a street and the street lamp had been freshly painted.
Jocko attempted to climb the first pole but Giuseppe said no no Jocko, that has wet paint.
Jocko attempted to climb the second pole but Giuseppe said no no Jocko, that has wet paint.
Jocko attempted to climb the third pole but Giuseppe said no no Jocko, that has wet paint.
Jocko attempted to climb the fourth pole but Giuseppe said no no Jocko, that has wet paint.
Jocko attempted to climb the fifth pole but Giuseppe said no no Jocko, that has wet paint.
And so it went until they got to the last pole.
Jocko attempted to climb the last pole and Giuseppe said "Jesus Christ Jocko, are you a Democrat or something"?