The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75033   Message #1313773
Posted By: Ebbie
01-Nov-04 - 10:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: A plea to American voters
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
With President Kerry in office is when the hard work will begin. With the complex mess waiting for him - and for us - it's hard to know where we can first expect a sign of improvement.

The things I want John Kerry to address, in no particular order:

* Send out the message immediately to all the world powers that a new day has dawned. Start talks immediately on how the powers can work together toward creacting a safer world.

* Send a clear message to Iraq that this new day entails hard work for them, work that the US is willing and able to help with but will not take ultimate responsibility for.

* Rescind the tax cuts to the ultra rich and on down to all those people who will never have to wonder where the money for next month's utilities will come from. Send a clear message to our poor and/or struggling citizens that they can expect a hand up, not a handout. Reinstate and fully fund training programs, complete with revitalized day care funds. Reinstate the funds that have been taken away from Head Start, the Job Corps and so many others.

* Keep us informed. Let us know our progress, monthly if possible. We already know that the next two generations will be paying for a great many of the debts we have incurred, so let us know with what means and to what measure we have brought down the numbers. Eventually we will start paying on the principal, not just interest.

* Along with being informed comes our obligatiom to participate in the sacrifices that making times better will take. Let us know what the remedial figure is for each individual ar family based on annual income- this is the COMPUTER age and there is no reason why accurate records cannot be kept.

* If the figure for an individual for that year's track is $200, let each person decide for themselves whether they want to be taxed for it at the end or perhaps beginning of a year, or if they prefer to send a $200 check on account and get it out of their hair; the figure will diminish steadily and we will all feel part of the solution.

With John Kerry in office there is hope for this country. If the bush got back in, I fear for our country.