The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59418   Message #1314082
Posted By: Rapparee
02-Nov-04 - 09:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Mother of all BS threads
Subject: RE: BS: The Mother of all BS threads
Good morning, Mother. It's Election Day in the USA.

The BS here has been outstanding, hasn't it? Excellent quality, and good quantity. The ambience is truly wonderful, the dishes are clean, the floors swept, and there are no little bits of food between the tines of the forks. Amos uses the spitoon, Little Hawk keeps his hands outside the covers, and even the toothpicks are unused!

But Mom, there is bad news. But there is also good news.

The bad news is that this is Election Day and that means the last day for the BS that has been spewing out of televisions, radios, newspapers, and even certain threads at the Mudcat Cafe.

The good news, dear MOAB, is that this is Election Day and that means the last day for the BS that has been spewing out of televisions, radios, newspapers, and even certain threads at the Mudcat Cafe. Of course, it wasn't of such quality as to appear here.

Perhaps tomorrow we can all be nice to each other again, huh, Mom?