The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75000   Message #1314252
Posted By: GUEST
02-Nov-04 - 12:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pick nose, Pick butt, Pick Kerry
Subject: RE: BS: Pick nose, Pick butt, Pick Kerry
Mick, you said "Finally, if I really wanted you to leave, why would I have reached out to you a number of times to try and make enough of a respectful peace between us so we could just debate and discuss issues as two intelligent, mature individuals?"

Anyone with any internet experience with these sorts of grudge matches knows that isn't a practical solution, and it won't work.

There is one way and one way only for there to be a lasting peace between us: that I never respond to your posts, and you never respond to mine. Period.

However, up until now, you haven't been willing to do that, because you insist upon maintaining your right to personally attack me whenever the urge strikes your fancy, always claiming you are attacking me in order to defend the forum from my "attacks". We are all adults here, and no one posting to this forum needs you to defend them from me.

I went for a long time not responding to any of your posts attacking me. I do know that ignoring people with whom I just don't get along with on the internet is the best way to go. I have fallen off the wagon on this, but I am going to promise publicly, here and now, that I will never respond to another one of your posts, now matter how vicious your personal attacks, Mick. I am making that promise for my own peace of mind and for the good of the other people who use the forum who are fed up with this stupidity.

So how about it Mick? In the interest of peace, are you willing, here and now, to publicly promise you will never respond to another one of my posts here again?