The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74060   Message #1315194
Posted By: GUEST,My Guru's Secret Santa
03-Nov-04 - 10:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: SECSY Silly Secret Santa/Santee Hints
Subject: RE: BS: SECSY Silly Secret Santa/Santee Hints
Dear Guru,

Don't be putting yourself down as a dumb Santee--you sound plenty smart to me! I do so share your opinions of which colors look good! 'Course, the other mudcat here thinks color coordinating means seeing how many different shades of green you can pack onto your body at the same time, and he's not even Irish, or at least, not much.

Life is closing in on me a little--nothing to worry about, I assure you--so letters may be a little few and far between until 11/11--though you may hear from my roommate. Keep on being good. I'll be thinking of you.

