The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14973   Message #131542
Posted By: Pelrad
03-Nov-99 - 11:06 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Like the Snow (Sydney Carter)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Vanished like snow
written by Sydney Carter (Copyright controlled)

Tell me where did Helen go
This is where she had her dwelling
She has vanished like the snow
Where there is no way of telling
This is where she had her dwelling
All the while they come and they go
Where there is no way of telling
She has vanished like the snow

What became of Heloise
Abelard he was her lover
Once they lived in Saint-Denis
Where they're gone I can't discover
Abelard he was her lover
All the while they come and they go
Where they've gone I can't discover
They have vanished like the snow

Joan came riding from the rain
Everybody knows the story
England burnt her in the rain
Theirs the shame and hers the glory
Everybody knows the story
All the while they come and they go
England's shame and France's glory
When she vanished like the snow

This is from the jacket notes on Solas's album, "Sunny Spells and Scattered Showers." I hope the fact that it is copyrighted material doesn't upset anyone...