The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75105   Message #1315631
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
03-Nov-04 - 04:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: It's over. Bush wins!
Subject: RE: BS: It's over. Bush wins!
Having just heard the Concession speech and the Bush acceptance speech all I can say is----intelligence and graciousness trumped by the usual stubborn belligerance.

THe Cheney intro was, frankly, frightening. No reaching out for unity--mere gloating with the usual Darth Vader look. W on the other hand gave the usual platitudes about the opposition and then proceeded to, basically, say it will be business as usual---and now with what he considers a mandate---that only he could consider it being.

Granted the Edwards intro to Kerry was a bit harsh--but, he is surely a cheerleaded. The Kerry speech was gracious, warmhearted and as always--Lincolnesque. He also spoke of unity and asked his supporters to for helping in creating this unity and not to feel their work was for nought.

Finally---I don't know how many here have read 1984. The decor of Reagan Hall in DC for the Bush speech was, to me frightening. The Huge "W"s around the hall in the particular font they were in was so reminiscent of that great book and the government it spoke of.

Well---at least they both ended with God Bless America. Trouble is that Bush really believes that he has private communication with that deity.

Bill Hahn