The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75106 Message #1315639
Posted By: GUEST,F911
03-Nov-04 - 04:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Michael Moore laughs to the bank
Subject: RE: BS: Michael Moore laughs to the bank
I thought his movie had some very interesting and serious points to make. I assume Martin Gibson thinks it's all fiction just for entertainment and profit. (although entertainment for profit is a perfectly legit American dream is it not?) I assume Martin Gibson isn't going to fight in Iraq himself anytime soon to rid Saddam of weapons of mass destruction - excuse me I mean to protect America's interest in the region- (I mean oil) anytime soon? I am a Canadian and I cherish our southern neighbours, but I think Bush and his ilk is driving America into a dangerous and shameful place in history with dire world consequenses.