The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67120   Message #1315666
03-Nov-04 - 05:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: worst president ever?
Subject: RE: BS: worst president ever?
I really can't believe that America has voted for this Bush again. He is one of the worst Presidents of our time. In 2000 Gore got screwed and everyone knows that. The presidents brother is the Govenor in Florida and he had everything fixed. Bush went into Iraq to fight a personal war that his father started and couldn't finish. He got Saddam so what. Gore or Kerry would have gotten him too. Bush has made Iraq a haven for terror and every month we are losing more and more troops. Americans are still being beheaded. People say Bush is a stronger leader YEA RIGHT. Bush reads from his little notes in every speech he gives. I heard Kerry speak in every speech and he knows what he is talking about. Kerry clearly won every debate. Jobs for America NOT with this guy Bush in office. I still am so shocked that Bush has won. Get ready for four more years of hell and the same bulshit promises. We will yet again be attacked because Bush is not the man to do the job in Homeland Security. We lost 3,000 lives on September 11. How many more Americans have to die before you Bush supporters realize he is worng man for the JOB?