The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #501   Message #1316
Posted By: Michael Carr
13-Jan-97 - 07:58 PM
Thread Name: Talitha MacKenzie Rules!!!!
Subject: Talitha MacKenzie Rules!!!!
Talitha's new CD, Spiorad, is one of the best CD's I've bought in the past year. Much more polished than any of her previous outings, solo or duo. She still blends in atypical rhythms and sounds (reggae, two-step; didjeridu, big ballsy brass sections; crackling fires, rocking chairs). In the past I have enjoyed her recordings, but have found them to be compromises somehow; a muddy mixture of disparate elements rather than a creation of something new. She seems to have achieved a real synthesis here; an alchemy if you will. This is world music at its best. Standout tracks: Changerais tu? Fionnughuala The Sawing Song (can't remember the gaelic) Lovely translations; exxcellent liner notes. And....the lyrics to Fionnaghuala!!!!!!!