The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75125 Message #1316128
Posted By: Wilfried Schaum
04-Nov-04 - 03:54 AM
Thread Name: One String Fiddle - can anyone identify?
Subject: RE: One String Fiddle - can anyone identify?
The carvings point to South Eastern Weurope, and since I know that the bards of the Balkans use a one stringed instrument to accompany their songs and epics I looked up Gusla (serbocroat. gusle).
Library of Congress Subject Headings: Gusle UF Gusla BT Musical instruments--Balkan Peninsula Stringed instruments, Bowed
The Brockhaus (THE German lexicon publisher) Musical lexicon has a small sketch of the instrument with its typical horsehead. It is described as onestringed, bow operated, with coat covered corpus. The string is pressed not on the board but from the side, often generating flageolets.