The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74905   Message #1316315
Posted By: clueless don
04-Nov-04 - 08:50 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: songs by The Beatles
Subject: RE: Examples of Beatles Lyrics
Ebbie, I'm one of those people who were 14 in 1964. I got caught up in the Beatles popularity in their early days, but later on they weren't a particular favorite. In the classic "Which do you prefer, the Beatles or the Stones?" debate, I would make the third choice - the Who.

But in later life I have come to appreciate some of the Beatles output that I missed the first time around. And now, thanks to a Sunday morning syndicated radio show called "Beatles Brunch", my 8 year old daughter is becoming a big Beatles fan!

I want to echo Genie's endorsement of "When I'm Sixty-Four". I suppose that would be called a "novelty song", but I always enjoyed novelty songs!

And for a simple, joyful song about new love, I like "I've Just Seen a Face".
