The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75105   Message #1316860
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
04-Nov-04 - 04:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: It's over. Bush wins!
Subject: RE: BS: It's over. Bush wins!
Kim C:---He told me so--He doesn't (talking to folks individually).

Actually I think there is a Bluegrass song (or perhaps Gospel) that has that line in it---"I know because he told me."   Then again, there is the great line in another song---it may be Rev. Billy C Wirtz---"Jesus loves me, but he sure don't like you."   Sounds like something W might hum in the shower.

Seriously though---heard his press conference today. One commentator remarked later that the most important thing about it was that he actually had one.   I think he laid it all out in the press conference--"...I have some political capitol now--and I am going to spend it...".   Sounds a little threatening---somewhat like his other thought having to do with coming together for the good of the nation provided people agree with his aims. So---Great Communicator--No. Great Compromisor---Hmmmm, doubt that.   So---Great what---I have a few thoughts.

Bill Hahn