The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75105   Message #1316982
Posted By: GUEST,Clint Keller
04-Nov-04 - 06:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: It's over. Bush wins!
Subject: RE: BS: It's over. Bush wins!
Kim: "I don't believe the Bill of Rights has much to do with how many people vote for which candidate."

It doesn't.

It has something to do with how the winners treat the losers, that is, by NOT enslaving them, as you said in your 9:58 post--" as far as half of the country being enslaved by the ignorance of the other half... well, isn't that sort of the way it has to be in a voting situation?"

In America it is not supposed to be winner take all. If it were the victors would become the only party -- until the next coup.
