The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75139   Message #1317171
Posted By: Blissfully Ignorant
04-Nov-04 - 10:23 PM
Thread Name: When do you become a musician?
Subject: RE: When do you become a musician?
Music is all i do. Whether this makes me a musician, or , as my dad likes to phrase it, a lazy a***hole, is open to debate...personally, i'd prefer musician. It's less judgemental. And it takes into account the fact that i put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears (lots of those) into my music- it's the one area of my life where i'm a perfectionist, because it's the only language i can use to express what i'm feeling with any degree of accuracy and eloquence. I stumble haplessly over prose, but with lyrics and melody i can say exactly what i need to; and i mean need to, because most of the time i don't want to say it. It's painful to have that honesty, but i feel if i didn't i'd be betraying myself and anyone listening. In every song i write, i'm letting out a secret. I'm giving away a part of myself.

I guess what i'm saying is that after all those soul-searching, sleepless nights, to not consider myself a musician would render the whole process rather pointless. And i don't want to my only true form of release, and my only true passion, to be pointless. :0)

I suppose my answer to the question is, a person becomes a musician when they consider themselves to be a musician. Whether or not they're a good musician is another matter, and one for others to decide.