The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75163   Message #1317180
Posted By: Little Hawk
04-Nov-04 - 10:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mandate, schmandate! Spin begins.
Subject: RE: BS: Mandate, schmandate! Spin begins.
Ah, Doug, if only political parties had a crystal ball, and could determine ahead of time who is most electable in a given year. If they did and it was a pig, they would nominate him, be assured. :-) I mean either the Democrats or the Republicans would, without that pig's party bias (or his price) would be a pretty vital matter!

What I am saying is that those 2 parties have no shame. None, Doug, none. They are both capable of anything in their pursuit of power. Any lie, no matter how huge. Any trick, no matter how heinous. You are governed by scoundrels in the pay of bigger scoundrels.