The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75163   Message #1317236
Posted By: CarolC
05-Nov-04 - 12:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mandate, schmandate! Spin begins.
Subject: RE: BS: Mandate, schmandate! Spin begins.
I think that one of the things (one of the many things) that people who would prefer it if GW hadn't won this election are soooo depressed about is this...

For those of us who see the actions and policies of the Bush administration as being profoundly immoral, some of us thought that maybe this time, humanity was going to make a moral choice. We had this hope. And for those of us who feel that way, it is a big disappointment to see humanity (at least a slight majority of the people who voted in this election) is not yet ready to do that. We had hope.