The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75105   Message #1318367
Posted By: GUEST,Wilhelmina
05-Nov-04 - 07:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: It's over. Bush wins!
Subject: RE: BS: It's over. Bush wins!
"Today, Doctors Without Borders announced
that it is leaving Iraq. In March of 2003, Iraq had 150 international
relief organizations working inside its borders. Today it has less than
50. The country is devolving into madness. Tens of thousands of Iraqis
have died. Thousands more are wounded. American casualties exceed

"The only future for Iraq -- which is growing faster than any
OPEC country except Nigeria -- is as an oil colony of the West. To feed
its people, educate them and house them, it must open its oil wells
full blast and sell as much oil as it can to the world market. Can it
do that without civil war? It looks doubtful. If it can avoid war, will
there be enough money to rebuild a country devastated by both Saddam
and then the Pentagon? Again, it looks doubtful.

Like his fellow Texan, Lyndon Johnson, our just-re-elected president
deceived America into waging an immoral war that it cannot win. Bush
has locked us into a religious war with the Muslim world that will last
decades. Today, we are stuck in Iraq. We cannot leave and we cannot
stay. And every week American soldiers stay in Baghdad costs us $1

Yes, Bush won. America, however, lost. And thousands more people will
die because Bush and the neocons lied to the American people. Don't
expect me to change my position on that.

Robert Bryce
Austin, TX"