The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15001   Message #131874
Posted By: Eric the Viking
04-Nov-99 - 05:41 PM
Thread Name: This parrots dead!
Subject: RE: This parrots dead!
But! Python were no more cheap and vulgar than many other things in History. The brothers Grimm or Hans Christen Anderson told the story of Big Claus and Little Claus who pretended to sell a dead granny and then the other killed his to sell. Many of our folk songs are based on tradgedies, murder, rape and other things that really happened and at the time for individuals things such as this must be painful. Having had both parents and many friends die over the years I have never put a taboo on anything and can usually find something of humour. Humour often comes from looking at the absurd, or tragic and learning to laugh and live with it. Let's not get this too serious and allow ouselves to disagree because of the way personal circumstances have affected our lives. Next please!