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Thread #75240   Message #1319012
Posted By: GUEST
06-Nov-04 - 03:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nader's & Progressives Spin on Election
Subject: BS: Nader's & Progressives Spin on Election
Hey, it's the only perspective on Black Tuesday we haven't had a thread on yet!

Here is a link to a mainstream media pundits article "Nader Was Right". Interesting perspective.

Here is a link to Nader's own views on why the Democrats lost, which aren't any different to what he was saying pre-Black Tuesday as to why the Democrats would lose "Nader: Kerry Missed the Opportunity"

As to the Ohio thing, there is a letter to Editor & Publisher from back in September about Nader from an Ohio resident, that speaks to the reasons why progressives didn't come out to support Nader in Ohio "Nader Is Right".

Or how about that so-called lack of "moral values" on the left? Well, here is an article from a former Washington Post columnist who now heads up a peace organization in DC, published in the National Catholic Reporter last spring when Ralph announced "Ralph Nader is right to challenge one-party game".

From my point of view as a progressive, I believe the progressive movement has plenty of strong values, but I wouldn't refer to them as "values". I would say the great strength and vision of the progressive left is their conscience. Now, for some it is religious conscience, to some it is moral conscience, to some it is spiritual conscience, to some it is just politics with a conscience. But it is the strong, solid, moral base upon which the progressive left stands.

Liberal Democrats or the "New Democrats" or Clinton Democrats--whatever you want to call them, have neither moral backbone, nor conscience, to back their policy positions. That is why we say their strategy, is nothing but strategy. It has no sense of vision, of purpose, conscience, the way the progressive left does, and the way that mainstream religious Americans do. The ones that aren't busy just paying lipservice to their religion, that is, like Clinton.