The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75240   Message #1319017
Posted By: GUEST
06-Nov-04 - 03:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nader's & Progressives Spin on Election
Subject: RE: BS: Nader's & Progressives Spin on Election
BTW, this thread isn't being posted to be used as more Nader target practice by the diehard Kerry supporters. I posted it to try and initiate a discussion of the election from the progressive perspective, not the Kerry Democrat perspective. We already have about a hundred threads from either the Democrat or Republican, Bush or Kerry perspective.

I'd like to see people here interested in discussing where progressives want to head from here, as it is obvious that the Democrats are pretty content to stay the course, and continue doing things the same way they have.

Is it possible to have a thread like that at Mudcat? Or are the progressives here, like Republicans, destined to being forever shuted down and drowned out by the Mudcat Kerry/Democratic liberal majority?