The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15009   Message #131913
Posted By: Magpie
04-Nov-99 - 07:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Oh bollox! I've done it again!
Subject: Oh bollox! I've done it again!
Here I am, wallowing in Mudcat humour, learning new stuff about musicians I never even knew existed, reading about other people's like or dislike for Monty Python, AND IT'S ONE THIRTY AM!!!!!

Jayzus, I've got to be up at six tomorrow morning (or rather today), and I still haven't packed for the weekend, or showered, or finished preparing for work tomorrow - all because of this Mudcat thing.

Shite! I'll be knackered by lunch time.

Does this ever happen to you? (Please say yes someone! It would be so embarrassing if I was the only one.)
